Documents from the Walking the Shadowlands FB Group

This page contains all the informational documents that were created to aid members of the Walking the Shadowlands FB group, from which this podcast started. FB decided that we could no longer have them in the group files and so removed them. But they are a valuable asset for members so we decided that we would post them here so they are available for members or anyone who may find them useful. The mini-episode seasons were created from these documents. The dates on the documents are when they were published in the group and are not in order of creation.

Grounding – What Is It? How To Do It?

Spiritual grounding is very important if you are… [Read More…]

How to Energetically Protect & Shield Yourself

What is energetic protection? At its simplest, a directed… [Read More…]

How to Cleanse Energies From Your Home

Every house, every building, even empty… [Read More…]

What’s the big deal about Salt?

Well, salt makes food taste good, and if you eat too much of it, it will elevate your blood pressure. Is that all?[Read More…]

Setting Boundaries – A Tool That May Help

Boundaries are an issue that come up time and time again…  [Read More…]

How Can I Tell If A Loved One Is Around me?

This probably is the one question that I get asked the most, and one I have specifically been asked to write about.  [Read More…]

What Is A Starseed?  Am I One?

I felt it was important to address this topic… [Read More…]

I Am A Starseed!  What Now?

If you have read the documents on … [Read More…]

Is My Child A Starseed?

This document has been prepared in answer to a question … [Read More…]

How To Help Your Wee One

Over the past few weeks a pattern seems… [Read More...]

What is a Walk-in?

This is a question that has come up a bit recently… [Read More…]

Spirit Guides: What are they & who has them?

This is a question that has come up a bit recently… [Read More…]

What Is An Earth Sensitive?  Am I One?

This is a subject that comes up from time to time, and people… [Read More…]

Empath or Empathetic?

This is a post that I have been meaning to write for a very long time, but for some reason, the timing was never right… [Read More…]

Grief – An Analogy

I came across a grief analogy the other day, and it really impressed me.  [Read More…]

Support Services Available in Australia and New Zealand

Spirit has just suggested to me that I create this document as a resource tool for all members…  [Read More…]

Death By Suicide

It is incredibly sad when one loses a loved one, but that pain is doubly compounded when this loss is through suicide. .  [Read More…]

What is Déjà Vu?

Have you ever visited ­a place or event for the first time and had it feel really familiar? [Read More…]

Ouija Boards: Are they really a game?

What is the very first thing that most people think of when they hear the words Ouija board? [Read More...]

What’s the plan?

In these geographically uncertain times, and actually, anytime it is a good idea to have… [Read More…]

Mediumship 101: Understanding the basics of spiritual communication

Mediumship is a fascinating and profound practice that allows individuals to connect with the spirit world… [Read More…]

How to prepare for a mediumistic consultation

Preparing for a mediumistic consultation can help you get the most out of the experience… [Read More…]

Signs of Spiritual Awakening and What to Expect

A spiritual awakening is a deeply personal and transformative journey. It often begins unexpectedly… [Read More…]